
Safety Plan

Life can be challenging, but you are SO important! If you have thoughts of hurting yourself, use our Safety Plan.

Start at Step 1 and go through each step until you are safe.

Remember: Suicidal thoughts can be very strong. It may seem they will last forever. With support and time, these thoughts will usually pass. When they pass, you can put energy into sorting out problems that have contributed to you feeling so badly. The hopelessness you may feel now will not last forever.

It is important to reach out for help and support! You can get through this difficult time. Since it can be hard to focus and think clearly when you feel suicidal, please copy this and put it in places where you can easily make use of it. Have a paper copy in your purse or wallet or have a copy on your phone.

Stress Relief

Stress is an unfortunate, but inevitable part of life. Yet, there is hope! Learning to manage emotional and physical stress can serve as a catalyst for growth and healing as you mature!

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